Bedingungen und Konditionen

Updated on: 11.04.2023

This document (together with all documents referred to herein) sets out the terms and conditions governing the use of this website – (hereinafter „the Website“).

The purpose of the website is to provide information on the TachoSafe product range, software updates, related web applications and online purchasing of Tacho5Safe product. 

Please read these Terms and Conditions, Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy before using the Website. By accessing and using the Website, you expressly acknowledge the binding nature of these documents and agree to abide by them.


SVT ELECTRONICS SRL with registered office in Targu Mures, identified by CUI 18813138, registered at the Trade Register under no.: J26/1053/2006  is an IT & electronics company from Romania with a 16-year history. SVT is a locally owned company with nearly 25 employees, from the heart of Transylvania, from Targu Mures. In the last 16 years we’ve developed our own products and services portfolio. Our most important products include access control systems and time & attendance systems, digital tachograph data management solutions and various sensor systems, which are manufactured in-house.

Our contact details are:

Address: Târgu Mureș, Dr. Knöpfler Vilmos street, No. 9A, Mureș county, Romania

E-mail address:

Telephone no.: 0365.809.305

  1. TERMS
    b) Buyer – can be any natural person who is over 16 years of age or any legal person or legal entity who makes an Account on the Site and places an Order.
    c) Customer – may be any natural person over 16 years of age or legal entity who has or obtains access to the CONTENT, by any means of communication made available by SVT ELECTRONICS SRL (electronic, telephone, etc.) or under a user agreement existing between SVT ELECTRONICS SRL and the latter and which requires the creation and use of an Account or is made possible through the shortcut function.
    d) Account – the section of the Site named TachoSafe WEB consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allows the user to check the information about drivers, vehicles, to upload files etc.. The User is responsible for and will ensure that all information entered when creating the Account is correct, complete and up-to-date.
    e) Website – the online store hosted at the web address;
    f) Order – an electronic document which is a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Buyer transmits to the Seller, via the Site, his intention to purchase goods;
    g) Goods – any product listed on the Site, including the products mentioned in the Order, to be supplied by the Seller to the Buyer as a result of the Contract.
    h) Campaign – the act of displaying for commercial purposes, a finite number of Goods and/or Services having a limited and predefined stock, for a limited period of time set by the Seller.
    i) Contract – means the distance contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Buyer.
    j) Opinion – is a personal assessment of a holder or beneficiary of a good, written on the basis of experience of its use in order to convey whether or not the good meets the specifications stated by the Seller. Each opinion also contains the opportunity to express satisfaction with the product by means of a rating in the form of a score from one star to five stars.
    k) Commercial communications / newsletter – means any type of message sent (e-mail, telephone, mobile push, web push, etc.) containing general and thematic information, information on products similar or complementary to those purchased from the website, information on promotional offers or prices.


3.1. By registering an Order on the Site, the Buyer agrees to the form of communication (telephone or e-mail) by which the Seller conducts its business operations.

3.2. All products sold on our WEBSITE are original and will be delivered in the appropriate packaging, accompanied by the invoice, according to the legislation in force.

3.3. The images of the products presented on the website are for information purposes only. For more details on product features and additional information, please contact us.

3.4. The sales prices of the products are displayed on the website and are expressed in euro and VAT is not included. Shipping is free all over Europe. The sales prices of the products may be changed without prior notice to Users. For any order placed and confirmed, the Buyer shall always pay the prices existing on the site at the time of placing the order.

3.5. The placing of an order by the Buyer and its acceptance by the Seller is equivalent to the conclusion of a contract, according to the legislation in force. The notification received by the user, by e-mail, immediately after placing the order, contains the confirmation of the order and the invoice, unless payment failed which confirms the failure of order confirmation.

3.6. The contract shall be deemed to be concluded between the Seller and the Buyer when the Buyer receives by e-mail from the Seller the notification of dispatch of the Order. The transfer of ownership of the ordered products shall take place when the Order reaches the Buyer and the Buyer has fulfilled his payment obligation.

3.7. The Seller may refuse to honour an order or may unilaterally cancel it if the Order has been placed by a person who has shown a hostile attitude likely to prejudice the Seller. In any of these cases, the User/Buyer may contact the Seller in order to be informed of the reasons that led to the application of the above-mentioned measures.

3.8. For justified reasons, the Seller reserves the right to change the quantity of the Goods in the Order. If it changes the quantity of Goods in the Order, it shall notify the Buyer at the e-mail address or telephone number made available to the Seller at the time of placing the Order and refund the amount paid.

3.9. All information on the website is the intellectual property of SVT ELECTRONICS SRL. All content published on the website (text, product descriptions, images, logos, colours, slogans, symbols, web graphics, videos, etc.) may be used only for the purpose of informing SVT ELECTRONICS Users and Buyers.

3.10. Photographs displayed on the SITE, edited or processed by SVT ELECTRONICS SRL may not be taken or used without its consent;

3.11. SVT ELECTRONICS SRL is not responsible for any colour differences that may occur when viewed on different electronic devices (desktop/tablet/mobile) of Users/Buyers.

3.12. Any action: project, event, campaign, contest, service, etc. carried out by the company through the Website will be announced, promoted and detailed at the time it is carried out, either by a Regulation or by brief and clear provisions inserted in the announcement of the action in question or later, at the appropriate time.

3.13. The Seller assumes the right to change, modify or update the content of the SITE and the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice.

3.14. It is strictly forbidden and punishable by law to copy, distribute, publish, transmit to other persons or incorporate the content into other material outside the site without the consent of SVT ELECTRONICS SRL.

3.15. To report any problems, please contact us at the following e-mail address:


4.1.  Access on the websites is done exclusively by accessing the public domains:,, and

4.2.  By accessing and using,, or, the User/Customer agrees to accept the terms and conditions presented on the SITE, the privacy policy and the cookie policy.

4.3.  The User/Customer has limited access for personal use (viewing, information, placing online orders) to the SITE and does not have the right to download, partially or totally modify the SITE, partially or totally reproduce the SITE, copy, sell/resell or exploit in any other way the SITE for commercial purposes or for purposes contrary to the interests of SVT ELECTRONICS SRL.

4.4.  Communication with the Seller can be done through the addresses mentioned in the „Contact“ section of the Site or through the „Support form”. The Seller is free to manage the information received without having to justify it.


5.1.  Any User visiting the following SITE, is over 16 years of age and meets the legal requirements for the purchase of goods, can create an account on the or 

5.2.  By creating an account, user can have access to information about drivers, vehicles, files and other data.

5.3.  By creating the Account, each User agrees to accept these terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy and is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and its updating.

5.4.  To create an Account you will need to complete the following steps:

  • enter the following personal data: company name, user name, e-mail;
  • enter a password to log in later and confirm this password;
  • check the box regarding acceptance of these terms and conditions;
  • check the box regarding acknowledgement of privacy policy;
  • check the box regarding acknowledgement of data privacy notice;
  • check the box „I am not a robot”;

After completing these steps, press the „CREATE“ button. After pressing this button, check your e-mail to activate your TachoSafe account.

In the account you can:

  • edit account information: email, phone, username;
  • change your account password and your credentials;
  • create user and subcompany;
  • see registered devices;
  • see connected services;
  • see the Reports: daily chart, expenses, data match, vehicle report, checklist report, infringements, driver attestation, detailed view, work hours by countries, work hours and billable terminals, might incur additional subscription
  • check the Tacho Live section;
  • receive notifications;
  • see what`s new.

6.1. The object of the contract is the sale of the good(s) ordered on the website by the Buyer. The contract shall be deemed concluded at the time of acceptance by the Seller and transmission of the notification of dispatch of the Order.

6.2. The transfer of ownership of the product(s) ordered takes place when the order reaches the Buyer, at the place indicated by the Buyer in the Order, when the Buyer pays the payment obligation and signs for receipt on the document provided by the courier company.

6.3. The Seller will post the product itself in the package sent to the Buyer/Customer, and will send all the necessary documents and instructions for use in digital form by email, as proof of the Buyer/Customer’s purchase. 

  1. ORDER

7.1. The Customer/Buyer may place Orders on the Site, by clicking on the „Order Now” or „Buy now” button.

7.2. By completing the Order, the Buyer agrees that all data provided by the Buyer necessary for the purchase process is correct, complete and true at the time of placing the Order.

7.3. By completing the Order, the Buyer consents that the Seller may contact the Buyer, by any means available / agreed by the Seller, in any situation where it is necessary to contact the Buyer.

7.4. For details or questions about your order, please contact us at e-mail: or phone number: +40 365 809 305, Monday to Friday, during the following hours: 08:00 – 17:00 (UTC +2).  

7.5. Cancellation of Order: 

In the following cases, the Seller may unilaterally cancel an Order, without the obligation for any party to subsequently claim damages from the other party:

  • the data provided by the Client/Buyer are incorrect or incomplete;
  • the transaction is not accepted by the Customer’s card-issuing bank in the case of online payment;
  • in the order history, the Customer appears to have more than two consecutive failed deliveries for reasons beyond the Seller’s control;
  • the Customer’s activity on the SITE may cause damage of any kind to the Seller;
  • in the case of a suspicious transaction or a transaction declared suspicious by a banking establishment, institution or authority;
  • if there are other objective reasons.

The Customer/Buyer may cancel an Order in the following cases:

  • when contacted by the company’s representative, if for some reason he no longer wants the products ordered;
  • in writing to the e-mail address: or by telephone until receipt of the order delivery e-mail confirming receipt of the parcel(s) by the courier company for delivery to the Buyer’s address.

7.6.  For any order cancelled solely due to the Buyer’s fault, the Buyer shall pay the cost of courier services.

7.7. If a product is not in stock, the Buyer will be informed by telephone by the company’s representative. In this case, the Buyer will be informed of the new delivery date and may decide to wait until all the products ordered have been delivered or to cancel the order.

7.8. How to order: you can search the site for the products you want by browsing the categories and subcategories that appear on the site.

  • To place an order online, you will need to select the products and press the following buttons „Order Now” and „Buy now”.
  • To submit your order [Aici se vor adăuga pașii de urmat. Nefiind funcționale momentan butoanele regăsite mai sus, nu putem adăuga pașii următori.]  ________________________.

7.9. Order confirmation: After sending your order to us, you will receive an e-mail confirmation that we have received your order. You will be contacted by a company representative to confirm your order within 48 hours (on working days). The order is considered confirmed when you receive the order delivery e-mail.


8.1. We reserve the right to change product prices without prior notice. The purchase price printed on the invoice will be the same as at the time of order confirmation, representing the firm order.

8.2. Also, our company may display on the SITE products that benefit from promotional prices during a certain period of time and within the limit of available stock. Details of these promotional campaigns will be made public by posting them on our site in a separate section.

8.3. The prices displayed on the WEBSITE, which are cut off by a line, represent the old price of a product that is in a promotional campaign and currently has a lower promotional price.

8.4. Transport costs are free all over Europe.

8.5. By submitting the Order, the Buyer agrees to receive invoices in electronic format  by electronic mail to the e-mail address specified in his order.

8.6. Invoicing of purchased products is exclusively in EURO or RON for sales inside Romania

8.7. Tax invoices can be issued per natural or legal person. To issue an invoice per legal entity, please fill in all company details in the Invoicing section when placing your order.

8.8. In certain cases, our company may require the Customer/Buyer to pay part of the invoice value of the order in advance.

8.9. Payment for ordered products can be made only online by credit card with any Visa or MasterCard (payment through Stripe payment processor), the transaction fee will be 0%.

  • Before completing the Order, for paying by card, immediately after placing the order you will be directed to a secure web page to enter your card details and make the payment. The processing of the card data will be done exclusively on the payment provider’s servers, which offer a fast, robust and secure transaction solution through SSL Security certificates. For more details about the payment platform, please visit its website and related policies.
  • In the case of online payment, the transaction will appear on the statement in the name of SVT ELECTRONICS SRL. Also, any payment by bank card will be confirmed when the invoice is issued to the Customer/Buyer, until that time the order value will be blocked on the Customer/Buyer’s account without being transferred to the Seller’s account.
  • The Seller shall not be liable for any additional costs incurred by the Customer/Buyer as a result of bank card transactions (e.g.: currency conversion fee if the card issuing currency is different from EURO, other fees depending on each bank’s policy, etc.), the Customer/Buyer being solely responsible.
  • If the online bank card payment was made by mistake, the transaction can only be cancelled by contacting a representative of SVT ELECTRONICS SRL by phone and the amount can be refunded within 30 days after the order cancellation procedure has been completed.

The delivery of the products will be made only after we have the confirmation of the payment from our bank and after you will be contacted by a SVT ELECTRONICS SRL representative. The ordered products must be paid in full, otherwise delivery will not be made.


9.1. Parcel delivery is done by express courier : .

9.2. Delivery will be made within days after the confirmation of order.

9.3. Shipping costs: Free all over Europe.


10.1. All products marketed on meet the warranty conditions according to the rules, legislation in force and commercial policies of manufacturers and suppliers, who are responsible for any non-conformities, deficiencies, shortages, etc..

10.2. The product guarantee can be granted in the following cases:

  •     The product is defective in manufacture, which prevents normal use of the product; 
  •     The product is damaged or destroyed in transit, in which case the product will be replaced; 
  •     For any purchase from SVT Electronics, you are covered by a 2-year legal warranty of conformity and performance from the date of purchase.

10.3. In order to benefit from the warranty, the Customer/Buyer will have to send us a written complaint at the date of receipt of the product to SVT ELECTRONICS SRL will reply to this complaint within a maximum of 3 working days and will inform the Customer/Buyer of the time limit and the method for resolving the complaint.

10.4. If the Seller is unable to deliver an order because a product is not available, it will inform the Customer/Buyer of this unavailability and will establish with the Customer/Buyer how to resolve the situation in order to fulfil the order. If the product has already been shipped by the Customer/Buyer, the amounts paid as payment will be refunded by the Seller in accordance with the law, within a maximum of 30 days, unless the parties agree otherwise.

10.5. If a product delivered by the Seller does not correspond to the image or description of the product on the WEBSITE, the Customer/Buyer has the right to request its replacement, a substantial price reduction or to return the product received and receive back its value without incurring any additional costs.

10.6. For any complaints regarding non-conformities of the purchased products, please contact us within 14 days after receipt of the package at the e-mail address


11.1. According to the Emergency Ordinance No. 34/2014 on consumer rights, you have the right to return products purchased through a distance contract for any reason within 14 calendar days of receipt of the parcel without giving a reason.

11.2. In order to exercise your intention to return you must inform us of your intention by an unequivocal statement by email (

11.3. Returned products must be in the condition in which they were received by the customer.

11.4. The cost of transport in case of return of products is fully borne by the customer.

11.5. Reversal of the value of products returned and accepted by SVT ELECTRONICS SRL  shall be made within 14 calendar days from the date of termination of the purchase contract by bank transfer to the customer’s account.

11.6. If the returned products are unsealed, have damaged or incomplete packaging, or show signs of scratches, dents, etc., the company has the right to decide whether or not to accept the return or whether due to these non-conformities of the products it will deduct from the value of the products, refunding the Customer/Buyer an amount proportional to these non-conformities.

11.7. For details or questions about product returns, please contact us at the e-mail address: or phone number: 0365.809.305, Monday to Friday, during the following hours:  08:00 – 17:00 (UTC +2).

  1. PRIVACY    

12.1. SVT ELECTRONICS SRL is a personal data controller and will keep the data you provide confidential: name, surname, email, phone number, delivery address, company, if applicable. At the same time, the Seller will ensure the security of the data provided and will take technical and organisational measures for their efficient management, strictly for the purposes stated in this contract.

12.2. The data are processed for the following purposes:

  • Order registration and confirmation;
  • Issuing the invoice and verifying payment;
  • In the case of delivery by courier (in order to dispatch the order), the necessary data will be sent to the courier company;

12.3. To know more details about the processing of personal data and your rights, please refer to the Privacy Policy ( and the Cookies Policy (


13.1. By creating and using the Account, the User/Purchaser assumes responsibility for compliance with the present provisions, for maintaining the confidentiality of the Account data (user and password) and for managing access to the Account, and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, is responsible for the activity carried out through his/her Account.

13.2. By creating the Account and/or using the Content and/or placing Orders, the Customer/User/Buyer expressly and unequivocally accepts the Terms and Conditions of the Site in the latest updated version that is communicated on the Site, existing at the date of creating the Account and/or using the Content and/or placing the Order.

13.3. The Seller reserves the right to periodically update and amend the Site Terms and Conditions to reflect any changes in the manner and conditions of operation of the Site or any changes in legal requirements. The document shall be binding on Customers/Users/Buyers from the time of posting on the Site.  In the event of any such changes, we will post the amended version of the Document on the Site, so please check the content of this Document periodically.

13.4. Customers/Buyers assume full responsibility in case of disclosure of personal data to third parties, our company cannot be held liable in case a Customer/Buyer is harmed in any way by a third party claiming to be a representative of the Seller or to represent its interests.

13.5. The following actions on the website, its content or on the content of the website will be considered as attempted fraud for SVT ELECTRONICS SRL :

  • accessing data of any kind of a User/Buyer/Customer by using an account or by any other method;
  • altering or modifying the content of the SITE(s) or any correspondence sent by any means of communication by SVT ELECTRONICS SRL to the User/Customer/Buyer;
  • affecting the performance of the server running the,, and;
  • accessing or disclosing to any third party who does not have the necessary legal authority, any content posted by SVT ELECTRONICS SRL to the User/Buyer/Customer, when the latter is not the legitimate recipient of the content;
  • in any of the above situations, SVT ELECTRONICS SRL reserves the right to refer the matter to the competent authorities. Fraud and attempted fraud shall be punishable under the criminal law in force, and the injured parties may claim compensation for moral or pecuniary damage in court, as appropriate.
  • also, in the case of suspicious or declared suspicious transactions, at the request of any public authority, authorized institutions, partner banking establishments, the Seller is obliged, and the Customer/Buyer agrees, to communicate personal data.


This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Users / Buyers shall be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes shall be settled by the courts provided for by civil law.


For any details or questions about SVT ELECTRONICS SRL, products or orders please contact us at the e-mail address: or by phone: +40 365 809 305, from Monday to Friday, during office hours: 08:00 – 17:00 (UTC +2).